Boarding houses provide accommodation for a fee. Generally, residents only occupy a room and share facilities such as kitchen or bathroom with others. Boarding house residents do not have the same rights as tenants.
There are 2 types of boarding houses:
- General boarding houses – accommodate 5 or more paying residents, not including the proprietor, manager and members of their families. General boarding houses do not include hotels, motels, backpackers' hostels, aged care homes or other types of premises excluded by the Act.
- Assisted boarding houses – accommodate 2 or more people with additional needs. A person with additional needs include disability such as age related frailty, mental illness and/or an intellectual, psychiatric, sensory or physical disability and need help or supervision with every day tasks.
What you need
- the Boarding House Registration Form
- your payment, as indicated on the form.
How to apply
- Download and complete the Boarding House Registration Form – PDF.
- Pay the lodgement fee online as per the instructions on the form.
- Lodge your application online by email or by post to the details on the form with your fee receipt attached. Or Visit a service centre to submit your application in person.
Payment methods
You can review transaction payment options on our payment methods page.