Applying to Sixth Form

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Application Form for 2025/26 Entry

Please click here to access the Sixth Form application form.


Information on the subjects that we offer and the entry requirements can be found here or in the prospectus and courses guide below. To view in full screen mode, click the letter Y in the bottom right corner of the window below. If this option is unavailable, please refresh your screen.

"The connection with UCL is a real benefit. We receive lectures from academics who are experts in their field, mentoring from university students, and we learn in spaces that are similar to those in the university environment."

"The drive of our students is fuelled by our teachers’ support and compassion. They always push us to try our hardest, and be the best that we can be, such as encouraging us to go for the best universities, and that enables us to be really successful."

"We started with a vision for how a diverse inner London school could, with the support of one of the world’s leading universities, inspire our students, and today 40% of A level students go on to Russell Group universities."

"Around 40% of Sixth Form students now move on to Russell Group universities and our first GCSE results in were well above national average."

"The benefits our students enjoy from our sponsor start on their very first day at school, which they spend at University College London hearing from inspirational and world-leading academics."

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