MPDU Rentals

Montgomery County's Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) Program offers affordable rental MPDU units in apartment communities located throughout the County. Tenants interested in an MPDU rental unit must apply directly to one or more of the MPDU apartment communities. The management company at the apartment community will give you an application, verify income and credit history, and determine eligibility or ineligibility to rent an MPDU apartment. They also will inform you about current availability of MPDU units. DHCA does not maintain a list of current vacancies. Open all sections | Close all sections

Interested Tenants – MPDU Eligibility Requirements


Your household income, before taxes (gross household income), must be between the minimum and maximum amounts allowed:

New MPDU Tenants:
Renewing MPDU Tenants:
MPDU Income Eligibility Table (effective April 5, 2024)
Garden Apartments High Rise Apartments
(5 stories or more)
New Tenants Renewing Tenants New Tenants Renewing Tenants
Maximum Household Income* 130% of Maximum Household Income** Maximum Household Income* 130% of Maximum Household Income**
1 $70,500 $91,650 $76,000 $98,800
2 $80,500 $104,650 $86,500 $112,450
3 $90,500 $117,650 $97,500 $126,750
4 $100,500 $130,650 $108,500 $141,050
5 $108,500 $141,050 $117,000 $152,100
6 $116,500 $151,450 $125,500 $163,150

Number of Bedrooms

The number of people in your household determines what type of apartment (number of bedrooms) you are eligible to rent. See the chart, below:

For Rental MPDUs Number of Persons in Household Eligible Number of Bedroom(s)

Credit History

Rent Payment

No Residential Property Ownership

MPDU Occupancy

Interested Tenants – MPDU Rents and Fees

Interested Tenants – MPDU Application Process and Apartments

The MPDU office does not provide applications, does not accept applications, and does not issue Certificates of Eligibility for MPDU rentals.

Persons interested in the MPDU rental program must apply directly to the MPDU apartment community of their choice. The management company at each apartment community will provide an application form, verify income and credit history, and determine your eligibility or non-eligibility to rent an MPDU apartment.

Steps to apply to rent an MPDU:

  1. Review the list of apartment communities with MPDU units.
  2. Identify apartment community properties that interest you.
  3. Contact one or more apartment communities to apply for an MPDU unit

To receive announcements regarding MPDU rental opportunities, create an eSubscription account. Go to: " Create an eSubscription" and select "DHCA" to receive announcements by email or text message; like our Facebook page, and follow DHCA on Twitter. Recent announcements of available units can be found at this page:

Other Affordable Housing Options

There are additional ways to look for an apartment, house or room to rent. For example, you can look online, talk with friends and acquaintances, and visit apartment communities directly.

Important: If you are at imminent threat of losing your housing (eviction judgment received) please reach out to Montgomery County Housing Stabilization Services by calling 311 (240-777-0311) to explore options to assist with eviction prevention or relocation assistance.

Tenant-Landlord Disputes

The DHCA Office of Landlord-Tenant Affairs mediates disputes between landlords and tenants. The Office answers questions from the public regarding landlord-tenant issues; investigates and resolves formal complaints from tenants and landlords; and, when a resolution is not forthcoming, refers the complaints to the Commission on Landlord-Tenant Affairs (COLTA) for adjudication.


Landlords or tenants may file complaints with the Office of Landlord-Tenant Affairs. Please note that in matters related to security deposit, rent increase, failure to pay rent, notice to vacate, etc.; even if you live in a MPDU rental unit, your complaint falls into the authority of the Office of Landlord-Tenant Affairs (OLTA) to investigate and not the MPDU Office. To file a complaint:

Call 240-777-0311 if you have Landlord-Tenant questions.

Often, just speaking with an Investigator can answer your questions and resolve your concerns without filing a complaint. However, should you need to file a complaint, the complaint form can be mailed to you or printed from our website (PDF).

On the complaint form, provide the following information:

Send a copy of the complaint form to the other party immediately

Wait one week to allow time for a response;

However, an urgent matter may be filed immediately. If in one week the complaint remains unresolved send a copy of the complaint form to Landlord-Tenant Affairs. To expedite investigation of your complaint, provide a copy of the lease and any supporting documentation (e.g., photographs, letters, etc.) with the complaint form.

The Office will send an acknowledgment letter upon receipt, giving the case number and the name of the Landlord-Tenant Affairs Investigator assigned to the case.

The Complaint Process step by step is available here.

MPDU Property Managers

MPDU Rental Program Recertification

MPDU Tenants:

Management companies are required to recertify annual income and household size for renewing MPDU Tenants. As a tenant, you will receive an income recertification 90 days before the lease expires. You must return MPDU recertification to the Landlord within the time specified on the recertification. Then the management company will forward all compliance documentation to the MPDU Office.

Property Managers:

Property managers of rental buildings with Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs), Workforce Housing Units (WFHUs), and Productivity Housing Units (PHUs) are required to recertify incomes and households annually. Notification for recertification needs to be sent to tenants 90 days before the lease expires.

Copies of all Renter's Agreements must be submitted to the Department of Housing Community Affairs (DHCA) with a letter stating the percentage increase in rent. Submit by email to [email protected] .

Note: The recertification requirements apply only to Montgomery County's MPDU, WFHU, and PHU program. The City of Rockville and Gaithersburg have separate policies and procedures. For inquiries, please contact the City of Rockville's MPDU program at (240) 314-8200 or the City of Gaithersburg's MPDU program at (301) 258-6310.